Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Paslaugos >> Moterų sveikata
Mes siūlome išsamią moterų sveikatos tarnybą, teikiančią įvairius klausimus. Skirtingais moters gyvenimo etapais ji turės labai skirtingus sveikatos reikalavimus ir asmeninius prioritetus
Mūsų moterų šeimos gydytojai yra suinteresuoti moterų sveikata - nuo kontracepcijos, seksualinės sveikatos, prieš nėštumo planavimą, antenatalinę ir postnatalinę priežiūrą, krūties tyrimą, menopauzę ir HRT, osteoporozę ir širdies ir kraujagyslių sveikatą.
Mes jautriai reaguojame į sunkumus, su kuriais susiduria sunku pastoti, ir mes galime padėti patarti dėl pradinių tyrimų, kurių gali prireikti, ir į kitus tinkamiausius veiksmus.
Visi mūsų gydytojai ir slaugytojai yra užregistruoti gimdos kaklelio atrankos programoje Cervical Check ir skatina visas moteris užsiregistruoti. Mes taip pat skatiname žarnyno patikrinimą ir krūties patikrinimą, nacionalines atrankos programas.